OKURIMONO Carving out the Future of Game Meat: Terrine by Meat Processing Group ELEZO Terrine d’ELEZO March 2018
THE ROOTS OF SHUN MORIYAMAEN’s TEKIKAKA CIDRE is a beam of light for the future of the ap-ple homeland Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture March 2018
OKURIMONO Shimanto Ginger Syrup Warms You with the Power of the Earth Ginger Syrup, Kirishima-Farm January 2018
THE ROOTS OF SHUN Hospitality of Octopus Culture in Setouchi Setoda, Onomichi, Hiroshima Prefecture January 2018
THE ROOTS OF SHUN The legendary Owani Onsen Bean Sprout, the Traditional Vegetable of a Medicinal Spa Town in the Tsugaru Region Owani Town, Minami-Tsugaru County, Aomori Prefecture January 2018