OKURIMONO Farm Seasonings Full of In-season Vegetables Usagi Natural Farm In-season Vegetable Seasonings December 2018
RECIPE Assorted Eggplants and Bitter Gourds (Koneri) alarm Preparation Time: About 15 minute November 2015
THE POWER OF SHUN Seasonal symphonies produced by virtuoso chefs ―French chef Asuka Kitaoka April 2015
RECIPE Steam-fried edamame (green soybeans) with sun-dried salt alarm Preparation Time: About 15 minute June 2014
THE ROOTS OF SHUN Amakusa Farms Teruaki Babas Seasonal Vegetables Amakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture April 2014
THE ROOTS OF SHUN Amakusa’s fruit of the sea. Tamaki Shoten’s Tsubu uni and Tawaki Fishery’s Shimaaji no Namahamu. Amakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture April 2014
THE ROOTS OF SHUN Rice Paddy Burdock Root – Soil, Vegetables, People Kikuchi City, Kumamoto Prefecture March 2014