RECIPE (September 2023)
Grilled Barracuda with Salt
25 minute

whole barracuda1
coarse saltA sprinkle
your favorite saltA sprinkle
* Kazuya suggests mixing two types of salt, such asrock salt and your preferred type, to enhance thedepth of flavor.
Descale the barracuda. Use a fish descaler, a plasticbottle cap, or a knife held at a 90-degree angle againstthe fish to descale it.
With the head to the left, insert a knife into the rightside of the gill cover to the backbone.
Turn the barracuda around and cut only the skin onthe dorsal side, then glide the knife from the incisionseveral times, tracing the backbone. The belly area hasribs, so cut through the bone using a little force.
Glide the knife along the belly, preserving the skin.
Scrape out the innards and rinse the fish in runningwater. Rinse thoroughly, as any innards left will makethe fish taste bitter.
Place the fish in a sieve or tray to drain them, andplace them on paper towels with the flesh side up.
Lightly sprinkle with coarse salt. Leave the fish in therefrigerator for about 10 minutes to remove moisturefrom it.
Take the fish out of the refrigerator and season themon the skin side with a salt of your choice.
When cooking fish, fry it skin side down until golden, then flip and cook thoroughly on the other side. While charring can create bitterness, be careful not to undercook it, as doing so can intensify the fishy odor.
Recipe from : Negio-zushi Kazuya Negishi