MOVIE (December 2020) MOVIE「Fukui Prefecture」 MOVIE「Fukui Prefecture」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : CHIZU TAKAKURA / Editor : CHIZU TAKAKURA Fukui Prefecture runs north to south along the Sea of Japan, and the port town of Mikuni lies at the northern end of the prefecture. シェア ツイート #Autumn(77) #Fukui(4) Related Posts Red Sweet Shrimp from the Oceans of Beautiful Mikuni Fukui Prefecture runs north to south along the Sea... Magical Tomato Grown in Sand and Colorful Western Vegetables WaTom Farm in Shirakata along the Sea of Japan in... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Ume plum treat from Yamagata featuring the unadulterated goodness of nature The ume plum comes into season at the start of sum... MOVIE「Fukushima Japan」 Introducing「Fukushima Japan」with a video. Treasure chest from a long-established Japanese restaurant that brings refreshing coolness in the hot summer Summers in Japan are hot and humid with scorching... Omi Beef Hamburger Steak Offers the Many Blessings of Shiga Prefecture Kitchen Pal manufactures and sells ready-made dish...