MOVIE (November 2019) MOVIE 「Koshu Kisvin Winery」 MOVIE「Koshu Kisvin Winery」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : YUTA SUZUKI / Editor : YUTA SUZUKI Koshu in Yamanashi Prefecture has pioneered this Japanese wine culture. The environment in the Koshu area offers a distinct four seasons and soil optimal for growing grapes. シェア ツイート #Autumn(78) #Yamanashi(7) #Fermented(43) Related Posts Aiming to Make the World’s Best Wines from the Koshu Region “Japan is a backwards country when it comes to win... RECOMMEND ARTICLES This Brewery’s Aged Mirin (Sweet Sake for Cooking) Has Captured the Hearts of Many People There are many mirin-type seasonings and mirin-fla... Oysters and persimmon Oysters and persimmon Reviving the Popularity of Local Chili Peppers: Ohtawara’s Famous Tochigi Santaka Tochigi Santaka, a pepper specialty of Ohtawara, h... MOVIE「Ofunato Iwate Japan」 Introducing「Ofunato Iwate Japan」with a video.