AREA PR The Foundation of the SDGs Future City Built by the Leaders of Recycling-Oriented Agriculture September 2020
OKURIMONO Persimmon Sweets Offer a Subtle Bitterness and Feelings of Nostal-gia Persimmon Specialty Shop Ishii’s Kyoshu no Kaki (nostalgic persimmons) November 2018
THE ROOTS OF SHUN MORIYAMAEN’s TEKIKAKA CIDRE is a beam of light for the future of the ap-ple homeland Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture March 2018
THE ROOTS OF SHUN Farmers Join Forces to Pioneer the Future of Farming Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture July 2017
OKURIMONO Natural Dried Fruit— a New Lease of Life for Delicious Seasonal Fruit Seven Fruit from Watasui September 2016
THE ROOTS OF SHUN Facing nature and people: Hisamatsu Farm’s vegetable farming Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki Prefecture August 2016
THE ROOTS OF SHUN Rice Paddy Burdock Root – Soil, Vegetables, People Kikuchi City, Kumamoto Prefecture March 2014