MOVIE (December 2014) Movie「Oita Japan」 MOVIE「Oita Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : MAKOTO TANAKA / Editor : YASUHARU MOTOMIYA Introducing「Oita Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Autumn(74) #Oita(8) Related Posts Delicious shiitake mushrooms, made from patience and a welcoming climate Oita prefecture is situated on the east coast of K... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Beating the Heat with Nutritious Summer Vegetables Vegetables that live and are grown in an environme... Imoni, Tohoku's Autumn Tradition When autumn winds blow, many people can be seen ch... Otsumami—the art of creating the perfect snack to enjoy with a drink This is the season when people tend to drink more... MOVIE「Iizuna Town, Nagano Prefecture」 Iizuna Town, Nagano Prefecture’s cool climate and...