MOVIE (July 2017) MOVIE 「Himeji Hyogo Japan」 MOVIE「Himeji Hyogo Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : MAKOTO TANAKA / Editor : FORM Introducing「Himeji Hyogo Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Summer(89) #Hyogo(9) Related Posts New Era of Somen Turns Breakthrough into New Tradition Hyogo Prefecture’s Banshu District is said to have... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Bringing Vibrancy to the Efforts in Yoshida Village of a Strawberry Farmer to Make His Dreams a Reality Sweet and tangy strawberries, which are in season... “Mom’s power” handing down Abukuma's food culture Abukuma plateau spreads between the Hamadori Distr... The local morning market is back and it’s a great place to have breakfast by the water The port town of Yuriage in the city of Natori cam... The Fascinating Charm of Katsuo (Bonito), in Season Twice a Year This series, “A Connoisseur Speaks on Seasonal Sea...