Cozy Town Surrounded by Rivers
Kawajima, Saitama Prefecture
About 45 kilometers from central Tokyo and surrounded by rivers, Kawajima, located in Saitama Prefecture, is a cozy town which has preserved much of its beautiful nature.
Aside from seasonal landscapes, Kawajima offers seasonal food, including local dishes suttate and gojiru, as well as the largest fig production in Saitama Prefecture and Kawagoe Clan Cellar Rice.
The more you know about Kawajima the more you will like it. Let’s take a look at it.
Enjoy a visit to Kawajima, a town of wonders with a feel of nostalgia.
Kawajima has a lot to offer. Its beautiful natural landscape includes the longest rose tunnel in Japan, canola blossoms that line the embankment, red spider lilies and a plethora of other seasonal flowers. Rice, fruit and vegetables are also grown here. Cultured by this nature, these fruit and vegetables are blessed with lush land and ample water. Traditional local dishes like suttate and gojiru and historical-cultural properties including Toyama Memorial Museum are also found in Kawajima.
Enjoy a visit to Kawajima, a town of wonders with a feel of nostalgia.

地域の魅力を伝える特産品 川島町×SHUN GATE
“旬”真っ盛りの採れたての味を届ける 「川島町旬まつり」開催!
MOVIE 「Kawajima Saitama Japan/Chuka Soba Yotsuba」
Rural Landscape Musings while Sampling Local Kawajima Town Fare
The Ultimate Ramen Featuring Flavors of Kawajima
45 km from Central Tokyo: Kawajima’s Bounteous Agricultural Products
A Traditional Soy Sauce Brewery Focuses on the Future with its Soy Sauce for Sweets
Fig Confection with the Best Seasonal Flavor
都会からすぐそこに広がる田園風景 埼玉県川島町 「川島町収穫祭」開催!
「寛ぎのまち」が育む、自然の恵み 川島町 飲食店フェア開催
Bringing a Local Taste to Modern Times: Kawajima’s Suttate Udon noodles and Gojiru soup
Ripe Strawberry Ice Cream, with Each Strawberry Nurtured by the Commitment of the Grower
Enjoy Kawajima’s rich natural landscapesEnjoy Kawajima to the fullest: a model
Food, agricultural products, nature and tradition: what to enjoy in Kawajima
Enjoy Kawajima’s rich natural landscapes