MOVIE (October 2017) MOVIE 「Shinshu Soba Noodles」 MOVIE「Shinshu Soba Noodles」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : CHIZU TAKAKURA / Editor : CHIZU TAKAKURA Hearing that there is a great soba noodle master in Nagano, who has inherited the traditions of Shinshu soba-making, we visited a buckwheat studio. シェア ツイート #Autumn(78) #Nagano(8) RECOMMEND ARTICLES Ekiben—the railway station boxed lunch that sustains a nation ―Momotaro no Matsuri-zushi from Okayama City in Okayama Prefecture Swaying gently on the train, staring out the windo... Firefly Squid—the Blue Jewels that Emerge from the Depths on Spring Evenings Toyama Bay, located roughly in the center of the J... Shiokatsuo, the Original Form of Katsuobushi Made Traditionally In this issue, we introduce shiokatsuo—a delicacy... Biwako Hacchin: Protecting the Eight Delicacies of Lake Biwa for Future Generations The residents of Shiga Prefecture have referred to...