MOVIE (October 2017) MOVIE 「Shinshu Soba Noodles」 MOVIE「Shinshu Soba Noodles」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : CHIZU TAKAKURA / Editor : CHIZU TAKAKURA Hearing that there is a great soba noodle master in Nagano, who has inherited the traditions of Shinshu soba-making, we visited a buckwheat studio. シェア ツイート #Autumn(77) #Nagano(8) RECOMMEND ARTICLES MOVIE 「Yakatabune」 Introducing「Yakatabune」with a video. One Day, One Layer at a Time. Natural Ice Created by Nikko’s Exquisite Water. Natural ice is produced by the severity of the win... Spanish omelet with young Sendai soybeans Spanish omelet with young Sendai soybeans Tradition and Innovation—Creative Tsukemono (Pickles) Using Tomatoes Kyoto’s Shodai Kamekura was established in 2007, a...