MOVIE (November 2016) MOVIE 「Gentan Soba」 MOVIE「Gentan Soba」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : KOJI TSUCHIYA / Editor : Form inc. Introducing「Gentan Soba」with a video. シェア ツイート #Autumn(78) #Shimane(8) Related Posts Locally Grown Izumo Noodle Serves the Region’s Tradition and Passion Shimane Prefecture is home to many temples and shr... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Tofu Steak with Pine-Nut Miso Sauce Tofu Steak with Pine-Nut Miso Sauce Report on the SHUN GATE 10th Anniversary Regional Revitalizers Summit Breakout Session E - Thoughts are the Source of All Creativity SHUN GATE's 10th anniversary, the Regional Revital... Masterwork matcha tea, crafted skillfully by the most skilled of tea masters Uji matcha tea is made in the southern region of K... Pork-Wrapped Hanjiro Cucumbers We asked Takahiro Yoshikawa of the Shonan Cucumber...