MOVIE (May 2016) MOVIE 「Namerikawa Toyama Japan」 MOVIE「Namerikawa Toyama Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : CHIZU TAKAKURA / Editor : CHIZU TAKAKURA Introducing「Namerikawa Toyama Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Spring(76) #Toyama(6) Related Posts Firefly Squid—the Blue Jewels that Emerge from the Depths on Spring Evenings Toyama Bay, located roughly in the center of the J... Himi’s Fish Wholesaler Aims for a New Frontier for Firefly Squid Okizuke Firefly squid fishing heralds the arrival of sprin... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Cultural fusion adds a new dimension to the somen noodle Japanese noodle cuisine is increasingly popular al... Intangible Cultural Heritage - Namagashi with Kamei (Nerikiri/Konashi) In October 2022, namagashi with a kamei (nerikiri/... From The Sea To The Table Fishermen Of Tateyama Maybe it is the mountains and the greenery, or may... The Fascinating Charm of Katsuo (Bonito), in Season Twice a Year This series, “A Connoisseur Speaks on Seasonal Sea...