MOVIE (May 2016) MOVIE 「Namerikawa Toyama Japan」 MOVIE「Namerikawa Toyama Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : CHIZU TAKAKURA / Editor : CHIZU TAKAKURA Introducing「Namerikawa Toyama Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Spring(76) #Toyama(6) Related Posts Firefly Squid—the Blue Jewels that Emerge from the Depths on Spring Evenings Toyama Bay, located roughly in the center of the J... Himi’s Fish Wholesaler Aims for a New Frontier for Firefly Squid Okizuke Firefly squid fishing heralds the arrival of sprin... RECOMMEND ARTICLES MOVIE「SPRING MOVIE」 This is a compilation of spring scenes from our re... One Day, One Layer at a Time. Natural Ice Created by Nikko’s Exquisite Water. Natural ice is produced by the severity of the win... The 60 Year Veteran “Sea Jewel” Diver “I love the shore” says Ms.Yamaoka, who has been a... Tradition and Innovation—Creative Tsukemono (Pickles) Using Tomatoes Kyoto’s Shodai Kamekura was established in 2007, a...