MOVIE (March 2016) MOVIE「Fukaura Aomori Japan」 MOVIE「Fukaura Aomori Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : CHIZU TAKAKURA / Editor : TOSHIFUMI KIUCHI Introducing「Fukaura Aomori Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Winter(72) #Aomori(21) Related Posts Snow Carrots that Grow Strong and Sweet under the Snows of Japan’s Northern Regions Fukaura is surrounded by Shirakami-Sanchi, a UNESC... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Say goodbye to summer with nagashi somen Japan has four distinct seasons, each with its own... Red Sea Bream and Sweet Potato Grilled with Yuzu Miso Red Sea Bream and Sweet Potato Grilled with Yuzu M... Gobocha blancmange with compote of suiden gobo (burdock root) Gobocha blancmange with compote of suiden gobo (bu... One Day, One Layer at a Time. Natural Ice Created by Nikko’s Exquisite Water. Natural ice is produced by the severity of the win...