MOVIE (March 2015) MOVIE「Ariake Sea, Saga Japan」 MOVIE「Ariake Sea, Saga Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : YUTA ODA / Editor : YASUHARU MOTOMIYA Introducing「Ariake Sea, Saga Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Winter(71) #Saga(3) Related Posts Nori Blessed by the Natural Resources of the Ariake Sea The Ariake Sea extends into the four prefectures o... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Carrot Cake Carrot Cake Visiting the Scene Where Sake Is Produced: A Day Trip To A Tokyo Sake Brewery Sake is drawing worldwide attention as the world r... Peach cream dumpling Peach cream dumpling Chirimen Sansho—An Intertwining of the Essences of Hawaii and Kyoto Chirimen Sansho is produced by simmering chirimenj...