MOVIE (March 2017) MOVIE 「Nikaho Akita Japan」 MOVIE「Nikaho Akita Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : CHIZU TAKAKURA / Editor : CHIZU TAKAKURA Introducing「Nikaho Akita Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Winter(73) #Akita(9) Related Posts Small Fishing Village Celebrates Kakeyo Festival with Over 300 Years of History Festivals have deep-rooted cultures in various reg... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Small Fishing Village Celebrates Kakeyo Festival with Over 300 Years of History Festivals have deep-rooted cultures in various reg... Senbei crackers made with fresh shrimps harvested in the Seto Inland Sea The Seto Inland Sea is one of the scenic beauties... Assorted Eggplants and Bitter Gourds (Koneri) Assorted Eggplants and Bitter Gourds (Koneri) Upcycled Snack Project: A Mighty Ally for Troubled Producers Snaq Me offers a snack subscription service and pr...