MOVIE (December 2015) MOVIE「Aomori Japan」 MOVIE「Aomori Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : KOJI TUCHIYA / Editor : KOJI TUCHIYA Introducing「Aomori Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Autumn(78) #Aomori(21) Related Posts The Mackerel Food Culture of the Port Town of Hachinohe Located at the northernmost tip of Japan’s main is... RECOMMEND ARTICLES 都会からすぐそこに広がる田園風景 埼玉県川島町 「川島町収穫祭」開催! 2018年10月26日(金)から28日(日)まで浅草にある「まるごとにっぽん」で、埼玉県川島町(かわ... A day in the life of a Sanriku fisherman The Sanriku bay stretches from the south of Aomori... Traditional Yakinuki Kamaboko Made with Fresh Fish Senzaki in Nagato, Yamaguchi Prefecture, is a town... Locally Produced and Consumed Food is the Best Eggplants are a popular vegetable seen commonly on...