MOVIE (July 2017) MOVIE 「Himeji Hyogo Japan」 MOVIE「Himeji Hyogo Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : MAKOTO TANAKA / Editor : FORM Introducing「Himeji Hyogo Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Summer(89) #Hyogo(9) Related Posts New Era of Somen Turns Breakthrough into New Tradition Hyogo Prefecture’s Banshu District is said to have... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Spreading the Joy of Koji and Fermented Foods Justin Potts is committed to promoting Japanese cu... MOVIE「Fukui Prefecture」 Fukui Prefecture runs north to south along the Sea... Tracing the Origins and Spread of Sekihan, a Classic Celebratory Dish Sekihan is served during special occasions such as... Cherry Blossom Blancmange The layers of white and pink are gorgeous to behol...