MOVIE (April 2016) MOVIE 「Enshu Shizuoka Japan」 MOVIE「Enshu Shizuoka Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : KOJI TSUCHIYA / Editor : YASUHARU MOTOMIYA Introducing「Enshu Shizuoka Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Winter(77) #Shizuoka(18) Related Posts Enshu Fruits that Improve in Storage Situated in western Shizuoka, which is famous for... Softshell Turtles and Eels Raised by Fertile Lakeland Just like the ocean and the mountains, Japanese la... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Hatsukari Soy Sauce Born from a Cellar Where the Gods Abide Soy sauce is vital for the Japanese diet. As more... MOVIE「Fukushima Japan」 Introducing「Fukushima Japan」with a video. Caramel-colored Dried Persimmons Get Sweeter with the Power of Nature and People A curtain of dried persimmons: the portrait of Jap... Spinach: A Seasonal Confectionery to Taste the Best of Season Spinach is a nutritional vegetable rich in vitamin...