MOVIE (December 2014) Movie「Uji Kyoto Japan」 MOVIE「Kyoto Japan」 from SHUN GATE on Vimeo. Cameraman : MAKOTO TANAKA / Editor : YASUHARU MOTOMIYA Introducing「Uji Kyoto Japan」with a video. シェア ツイート #Autumn(77) #Kyoto(16) Related Posts Rediscovering the essence of Japanese culture in the spiritual home of tea Uji is a city of considerable historical and cultu... RECOMMEND ARTICLES Building on 360 Years of Sake History as the 16th Brewery Owner UCHIGASAKI is Miyagi Prefecture’s oldest sake brew... MOVIE 「Tsukiji Tokyo Japan」 Introducing「Tsukiji Tokyo Japan」with a video. Tradition and Innovation—Creative Tsukemono (Pickles) Using Tomatoes Kyoto’s Shodai Kamekura was established in 2007, a... Wishing for Children’s Growth with Shichi-Go-San’s Chitose-ame Every year as November 15 nears, we begin to see m...